No, not the bruise .... that's still purple, just me.
I have no reason to feel fed up, but I do. I have a new job which has all the hallmarks of being an enjoyable place to work. I am settling in and getting to know folks. I know the kids in my class now, other than a few I mix up and am gradually getting to know members of staff. It was a tiring week with a lot to do and even more to try to take in, so that may be contributing to my feelings, but today, despite having loads to do, I've done virtually nothing.
I went for a walk on the beach last night hoping to blow away the cobwebs, but I still seem to have them.
I took a couple of nice pics though.
Goodness you do have long legs
Posted by: Ian | September 09, 2007 at 21:40
Could it have something to do with when work stops? I'm finding that at the minute. I've been away from work for the six weeks holiday then thrown in at the deep end straight into 5 days a week of kids to school - work - pick up kids. Work stimulates bits of my brain that I don't use at home so I'm finding that once I'm out of the working environment I'm feeling a bit at a loose end. Plenty to do like housework or play with/entertain the kids but I just cannot be bothered. I want something to do but I can't be bothered to do it. It's probably being back at work after such a long break and just getting used to the routine again? Hope you like the job and that it all works out for you.
Posted by: Angela | September 09, 2007 at 21:56
Your post ended on a positive note anyway Liz.... the photographs ARE good, and the shadow one cheered me up no end!
Posted by: Tim the Enchanter | September 14, 2007 at 12:36
I think it's tiredness Liz. Huge shck to the system - so many demands on your time once more after the luxury of being in your own head for six weeks. Once you've moved into the 'Newbiggin Princess' and have more space to relax in - am sure the blues will turn to rainbows.
Need any volunteers for moving day?
Posted by: Jac | September 16, 2007 at 09:29
Jac - I think you're right. It's lifted both our spirits thinking about living somewhere new and better. Not sure when moving day is yet, but I think any help offered will be gratefully received. Thank you.
Posted by: Liz Curtis | September 16, 2007 at 22:06